Hi, I'm Jeremy Smith

Founder of Pastors and Leaders Recovery

My Story


I have been in ministry since the early 90s helping individuals walk into healing and restoration.

Before going into full-time ministry, I worked as an Emergency Technician in London. I attended many accidents and emergencies. I did not realize how much I was affected by what I experienced. After leaving this work, I went into Christian ministry. God restored me from my years in the London Ambulance Service as I learned to bring healing and restoration to others.

In those early years of ministry, I worked helping individuals who had been abused, traumatized, and coming out of the occult. I often worked 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to help them recover. I did this for some time till I began to break down. People were recovering, but my health was deteriorating. My team said it must be right because the people I saw were healed. Eventually, I had a complete breakdown. I broke down emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

In those times, I needed people to help me recover. And get through difficult times. 

After eleven years of counseling and teaching on restoration, the Lord called me, my wife, and two small children to Israel (we now have six children ranging from 27 to 12 years). I have a ministry called Shepherd’s Heart Israel, which brings healing to those in need.

I am also the Director for Ebenezer Operation Exodus Israel, helping to bring Jewish people back to the land of Israel and on the board of Intercessors for Israel.

My heart is to see individuals whole. 

In working with me, you will have a safe, confidential, experienced, mature Christian man who has been in Christian ministry for the past 25 years to talk to and unburden with, you will receive help in putting a plan in place to aid you in your recovery, and a mentor to help you get there.

For some, there may be the opportunity to have a time of recovery and refreshment in Israel, the land of the Bible. Your time would be tailor-made to your needs and requirements.